
Hawaii’s Big Island: A Tropical Hotspot

With summer temperatures that rarely climb over 90 degrees and just as infrequently drop below 70 degrees, Hawaii's Big Island is an automatic summer hotspot in terms of climate. But aside from the perfect weather, the Big Island brings plenty more to your vacation experience. There's a lot to explore on the Big Island. Volcanoes,…
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Halona Blow Hole, Hawaii

Halona Blow Hole, or just Blow Hole to the locals, is located on the Makapuu Coast right before you get to Sandy Beach. It’s basically a hole in a rock chamber that spouts ocean spray when large waves crash into it. There are several blow holes around Hawaii but the one in Makapuu is the…
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Living Aloha: What Does It Mean

What Does Aloha Mean? Aloha is the most Hawaiian word. In the Hawaiian language, it can mean hello or goodbye. It also means love and affection. The word aloha is used in a combination with other words, such as aloha kakahiaka, which means good morning; aloha auinala used as a greeting that means good afternoon; and aloha…
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3 Little-Known Vacation Hideaways in the Hawaiian Islands

Hawaii is one of the greatest vacation destinations in the world. Those who have never been there want to be there, and all who call the islands home never want to leave. There is so much about Hawaii that makes visiting such a unique experience. From the landscape and scenery to the culture and food,…
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