
Dressing Hawaiian-Style….Even When It’s Cold Out

The weather is cooling off, but don't worry. Hawaiian clothing never goes out of style! This is a great time to find excellent deals on Hawaiian fashion to show off without ever going on an expensive trip to Hawaii. Before spending your money on just another dress or skirt think about looking outside the major…
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Parrots of Hawaii

The Hawaiian Islands seems like a likely environment for parrots due to its lush rainforest environment. However, none of Hawaii's parrot species are native to the islands. All of Hawaii's parrots were introduced to the islands and are feral species, or wild animals that were historically domesticated. Hawaii has a handful of parrots and parakeets…
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Fun Hawaiian Family Photo Ideas

Aloha! It seems that holiday cards with family photographs are becoming more popular every year. Why shouldn't they be so popular? It is after all a great way to make your holiday greetings a personal statement from you and yours. It is a chance for the family to display their individual personalities and it is…
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Gift Baskets – Give A Gift of Fun

It's All About Having A Fun Time It’s no secret– gift baskets are a lot of fun! This might sound like a fairly random statement, but let’s actually look at why a gift basket is better than your average gift. Gift baskets have long been the most coveted gifts for any occasion. Why? Well, it’s because with a gift basket, you’re…
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