Make sure your Hawaiian honeymoon (vacation) is not a blind date

Hawaiian gifts

By (e komo mai)

Even if you're not going to Hawaii to celebrate a wedding, a vacation is a lot like a honeymoon: It costs a chunk of change, takes a lot planning, and some tropical romance is expected. You want to make sure that reality measures up to your expectations, and you don't wind up with a blind date gone astray.

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The type of vacation you can have in Hawaii varies wildly—from a Las Vegas-type soiree to a wildnerness backpack trip, with many options in between. What do you fantasize when you think of Hawaii? Whatever that is, No Worries Hawaii (a planning guide), will let you take those dreams and turn them into details.

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At the heart of No Worries Hawaii is a a simple-but-thorough self test. Some 36 aspects of Hawaii are listed, such as family beaches, nightlife, museums, hiking trails, snorkeling coves, tropical gardens, ancient sites, surfing spots—all of the things Hawaii has to offer. You go through the list, checking off what is important to you, what is sort of appealing, and leaving out what you don't really care about. Your answers are summarized, and the test reveals which island you are likely to like the most. For each category, all of the specific attractions are listed for each island, for reference when you actually visit.

Once your island is selected, No Worries Hawaii describes the options among places to stay (like mid-level resorts and condos, country cottages, luxury resorts, beach condos, etc.) and then presents hand-picked accommodations to choose from. The book is also packed with money saving tips, freebies, and how to plan your days so you don't get stuck in crowds. Ways to save on hotels, flights and rental cars are also included. Readers will also want to take a close look at the detailed tips for having a safe vacation in the water, along the shore, driving, and on hiking trails. Having fun can be dangerous, unless precautions are taken.

The authors have visited for several decades, in the course of writing and updating guidebooks for each of the islands. No Worries Hawaii is a must-have, both for first-time visitors unsure of where to go, and for returnees who want to try something different.

Source:: Make sure your Hawaiian 'honeymoon' is not a blind date: No Worries Hawaii

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