Moving To Hawaii – My Story

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That has become arguably the most important thing in my life; six months ago, I found myself stepping off of an airplane, and onto the island of Maui. Like most people that were on the plane that day, I had no idea where anything was, or what should happen next. However, unlike most on the plane that day, I had only purchased a one-way ticket, and had no plans on leaving.

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Part of why I had no plans of leaving, was that I couldn't afford to.


I packed my duffel bag, and jumped on a plane with just under $500 in my name. The realization that I had no family or friends within thousands of miles, along with no housing and no job hit me almost immediately after stepping foot out of the airport.

Fortunately, while at the airport, I managed to contact some guys living in Lahaina that were looking for a roommate. Despite not having money to pay them for rent for a few weeks, they were willing to trust that I would pay them once I had the money. I quickly learned that the 'Aloha Spirit' that I had heard about was not a myth; the energy in Hawaii is completely different than on the Mainland.

Although I am not the most experienced traveler, (I have lived in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Alaska and Hawaii) it didn't take long for me to learn how different and unique a place like Maui is. I have learned about the importance of not allowing things to run your life; the importance of simple living. Maui, more-so than anywhere else I have visited or lived, prides itself on the simple living lifestyle.

Locals here say that the Island either accepts you, or rejects you. And in most cases, it is quickly made known the fate in which the island has chosen for you.

I'm lucky; the island has accepted me with open arms.

Mahalo and do something nice for someone today....spread the Aloha Spirit!
Mahalo for reading. Please share the Aloha Spirit and do something nice for someone today. We welcome your comments and feedback. This blog is brought to you by Kapo Trading Company -- with over 3000 fun, unique and authentic Hawaiian items, we deliver Hawaii to you!


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